When: March 25, 2025
Time: Be present for attendance 45 minutes prior to your flight time.
Where: Cadence Bank Center (Formerly known as Bell County Expo Center), 301 West Loop 121, Belton, TX 76513
Google Maps link: https://goo.gl/maps/qENBV
All Argyle Teams qualified to compete at State, which also means all of our archers are eligible to compete at State, provided they recorded a score in January.
Registration fee was included in your annual registration fee, so no add'l fees are due. Please inform your coach and manager if your archer will not attend.
2025 Flight Times:
High School Team: 3/25, 10:30AM in the Expo Equine Arena
Middle School Team: 3/25, 11:45AM and 1:00PM in the Expo Exhibition Hall
Hilltop Team: 3/25, 11:45AM in the Expo Exhibition Hall
West Team: 3/25, 1:00PM in the Expo Exhibition Hall
South Team: 3/25, 1:00PM in the Expo Exhibition Hall
JRE Team: 3/25, 10:30AM in the Expo Exhibition Hall
High School Team: 2:15pm in the Garth Arena
Middle School Team: 2:15pm in the Garth Arena
MUST SEE: All coaches must watch the video called the “NASP Lane Judge Training” and all archers must watch the "Scoring Protocols" video, both available at: https://www.naspschools.org/learning-center/
Please ensure TeamSnap Notifications are enabled on this day for timely updates.
On-Line Parent Waiver: Parents need to fill out and submit an on-line waiver before their archer can compete in this tournament. Deadline will be announced when known.
Please use the EXACT naming convention for your team as follows:
Argyle High School
Argyle Middle School
Argyle Hilltop Elementary
Argyle West Elementary
Argyle South Elementary
Argyle JRE Elementary
and EXACT spelling of your archer's name as listed in NASP.
Important: Submissions are tracked by name and school and exact spelling makes it possible to confirm your entry. There are several schools that go by AHS or HE in the state of Texas and we need the correct name to confirm waiver complete.
Please follow this link to find the waiver: https://form.jotform.com/213424264780050
Thank you for using correct school name.
We will post the most recent report of completed waivers at bottom of this page.
Bus Transportation: Argyle ISD has requested bus transportation. Please do not delay in signing up so we can get a good head count to determine bus size. Please visit this link to reserve your seat and include archer's first and last name:
Please arrive no later than TBD AM. The bus will leave NO LATER THAN TBD AM from the Sixth Grade Center (in front of Argyle Archery Arena) to Belton, TX. The bus will not be able to wait for late arrivals as we are on track to make flight times for some of the riders. Being late jeopardizes someone else's ability to compete and we will not let that happen.
The bus will NOT be stopping for food on the way down, so each rider will need to bring their own food/drink for the trip down. Riders also allowed to bring electronics, backpack, blanket, and money for concessions. Riders should be prepared to provide their own food and drink for the entire day. The bus should be able to depart Belton, TX for the return trip around TBD PM. The bus should be arriving back at the Argyle Archery Arena NLT 7:00 PM, possibly sooner. We will post updates to arrival time via TeamSnap.
Check-in: After admission into the Expo Exhibition Hall building, look for the ARGYLE ARCHERY banner. This will be our team headquarters and our mustering spot for each flight, 45 min prior to flight times. TX NASP has sent a map attached below this section.
Uniform: We would like all archers to wear a pair of black pants (blue is acceptable) and a pair of gym shoes with your team jersey. (No Crocs or open toed shoes, no shorts or gym clothes.)
Equipment: Whether you are driving or riding the bus, your archer is responsible for the arrival of their equipment. Equipment includes a case, bow and at least 6 arrows. Back up arrows of a different color and arrow rests are not a bad idea.
On-Site Warm Up: A Practice Range may be available as in years past. They will likely be set at 15 meters (bullseye target) in the Exposition Building and cost $1.00 for 5 arrows. They will be arena arrows (not perfect) and designed to allow you to release a few arrows (and stress) prior to shooting. Remind archers that arrows are not perfect and to not allow this practice to alter any aim spots or positive spirit going into tournament.
School Attendance: This is an AISD approved absence/event and muster will be taken and attendance turned into the schools. Please find your coach as soon as possible after arriving.
Spectator Attendance: There is no fee for parking, however, the entry fee for the Texas NASP State Tournament and 3D Challenge is $5.00 per person per day. There are no entry fees for Official Team coaches and everyone 18 years of age and younger. Entry fee paid at one building gains you access to all buildings that day.
There is limited bleacher seating in main Exhibition Hall and personal folding chairs are allowed. Arenas have stadium seating. All seating is a fair distance and hard to see arrows from, so binoculars aren't a bad idea if so inclined.
Team Pictures: Plan on mustering 45 min prior to flight times and taking a school team picture 30 minutes prior to flight times. LOCATION for muster and any last-minute changes will be announced via TeamSnap.
Concessions: There will be concessions in both the Exposition and Equine bldgs.
Check back here often, at this site, for updates.
FYI: Nationals Information https://www.naspschools.org/download/national-rules-bullseye/?wpdmdl=2392&refresh=6201966edc45d1644271214
2023 Texas State NASP/IBO 3D Champion
Ella took First Place in High School Girls 3D with a score of 286.
Austin took First Place in Elementary School Boys Bullseye with a score of 276.
Julia took First Place in High School Girls 3D with a score of 286.
Scott McClure from Outdoors Tomorrow Foundation presented awards with Coach Wintermute.
Charleigh took First Place in Middle School Girls Bullseye with a score of 289.
Charleigh also took First Place in Middle School Girls 3D with a score of 279.
Scott McClure from Outdoors Tomorrow Foundation presented awards.
Addison took First Place in Elementary School Girls Bullseye with a score of 266.
Scott McClure from Outdoors Tomorrow Foundation presented awards.